Vol. 8 Issue 2

Hameed A. Al-Hajj
The mature sperm of Brachidontes variabilis is of the primitive type, with a head, a midpiece, and a tail. The head comprises an inverted Y-shaped acrosome which has an anterior electron-dense region and a posterior electron lucent one. The sub acrosomal space is filled with flocculent material, but with no acrosomal rod. The nucleus is barrel-shaped with a posterior fossa. The midpiece consists of five mitochondria which surround the proximal and distal centrioles. Early spermatids have large central nuclei, and a number of scattered proacrosomal granules. In mid-spermatids, these granules coalesce into a large basal granule which migrates apically where it invaginates at its adnuclear surface and becomes an inverted Y-shaped vesicle. Nuclear condensation is of the granular pattern

Z.F. Al-Jalili and S.I. Said
Twenty seven Friesian calves one year of age were used in the present experiment to investigate the relationships between body measurements viz. body weight, body length, wither and hip height, chest girth, paunch girth, thigh girth, shoulder and hip width, and paunch depth and carcass characteristics viz. hot weight, cold weight, round, loin, flanks, ribs, short plate, chuck, brisket, shank, neck, dressing percentage, fore-quarter percentage and hind-quarter percentage. The result showed significant (p< 0.05) correlation coefficients between most of the traits. Stepwise multiple regression procedure was adopted to determine variables important in predicting carcass traits. It has been concluded that body measurements, especially body weight, body length, chest girth and wither height could be employed to predicts live weight, carcass and their partitions.