Author(s): N. Mansour, A. Piepke, A. Moussavi, H. Sanchez, J. Metzinger, H.V. Klapdor, T. Baymoy, and Z. Awwad
Article publication date: 1988-04-01
Vol. 6 No. 1 (yearly), pp. 139-153.


high spin, atoms, isomers


The high spin level structures of 152,153Ho were studied experimentally with the 122Sn (35Cl, xyzy) in-beam reaction. In 152Ho a completely new level scheme was constructed up to Ex ≈ 7.9 MeV and Jπ = 27+ including some isomers. In 153Ho about twenty so far unknown transitions were found in comparison with a recent report. The structures in both nuclei are discussed in comparison with the neighbouring nuclei.