Author(s): Hamed A. El-Nakhal
Article publication date: 1996-04-01
Vol. 14 No. 1 (yearly), pp. 33-61.


limestone, sandstone, Yemen


In Yemen, the surface exposed Mesozoic Erathem is represented by the Jurassic and Cretaceous systems. The Jurassic includes the Affar Formation (Early Jurassic) and the Surdud Group (Middle-Late Jurassic). The Affar is the upper formation of the Kohlan Group (Permian-Early Jurassic) and consists of sandstone. The Surdud Group is subdivided into the Amran (limestone), Madbi (marl), Sabatayn (evaporites), and Nayfa (limestone) formations. The Cretaceous System includes the Ghiras Member and Ghiras/Mahra Groups/ The Ghiras Member is the lower unit of the Tawilah Formation (Cretaceous-Paleocene). It occurs in the northern provinces of Yemen, and it consists of sandstone. The Ghiras/Mahra Groups are well developed in the western and eastern regions of the southern provinces, respectively, and they are laterally equivalent. The Ghiras Group consists of elastics. It includes the Qishn (limestone, Harshiyat (sandstone), and Mukalla (sandstone and shale) formations. The Mahra Group was divided into the Qishn (limestone), Harshiyat (sandstone), Fartaq (limestone and marl), Mukalla (sandstone), and Sharwayn (marl and limestone) formations