Author(s): M.S. Salah, S.M. Basmaeil and H.H. Mogawer
Article publication date: 1988-12-01
Vol. 6 No. 3 (yearly), pp. 369-376.


goat kids, growth curves, regression equations


Growth of Aardi goat kids was studied by examining growth curves expressing the relationships between weight and age of the animals. Out of 14 weight-age regression equations for each group of single- and twin-born males and females, one equation was chosen in each group to describe growth best. Means of least squares of adjusted biweekly body weights were used in this estimation. During the 1st year of life, males followed quadratic and females quadratic-cum-log type functions for growth. During the 1st two years, which studied only in males, an incomplete-gamma-type function was found to be the best. Type of birth did not change the growth pattern of either male or female kids. Actual and estimated growth rates were closely comparable, and decreased with advancing age. Males reached maturity later than females.