Author(s): Ali A. Helal
Article publication date: 1989-04-01
Vol. 7 No. 1 (yearly), pp. 103-111.


boron, germiantion, date palm


Boron was not essential for initiation of germination of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L. ) pollen (80% ± 4 of pollen germinated after 4 hours of incubation in medium lacking boron), but was necessary for normal growth of pollen tubes since 76% of germinated pollen grains had burst tubes and the remaining had short tubes (7.5 ± 4 µm). Calcium was essential for pollen germination and only 2% ± 1 of pollen germinated after 4 hours in medium lacking calcium. Magnesium or polyamines (spermine diphosphate, spermidine phosphate or putrescine chloride) improved the germination in absence of calcium, but the rate of pollen tube elongation was lower than that obtained for calcium. The pH optimum for germination and tube growth was 5.5 and the pH of the meidum did not change after 3h of incubation. Sucrose was not important for germination and pollen tube growth.