Author(s): M.M. Alfuraiji, I.A. Moussa and M.N. Bakkar
Article publication date: 1997-08-01
Vol. 15 No. 2 (yearly), pp. 447-457.


gonadotropin, seminal plasma, Arabian camel.


The presence of gonadotropin- releasing hormone (GnRH)- like factors in the seminal plasma of the Arabian camel (Camelus dromedarius L.) has been studied in immature rats. Immature male and female rats treated with the Arabian's seminal plasma (SP) or with synthetic GnRH developed heavier testes and ovaries and large seminiferous tubules than those of the controls. Immature female rats treated with GnRH and those injected with highest two doses of the camel's Sp has developed a greater number of ovarian follicles than those of the corresponding controls. Those receiving the lower three doses of the camel's SP has developed a greater number of small ovarian follicles than in their controls. It is concluded that the Arabian camel's SP contains an ovulation simulation factor.