Author(s): A. Bahafzalla, A.N. Basahel, H.H. Mansour and S. Omara
Article publication date: 1983-09-01
Vol. 1 No. 2 (yearly), pp. 141-160.


Sedimentary sequence, Saudi Arabia, Haddat Ash Sham


Clastics of unknown nomination cropping out in Haddat Ash Sham area have been geologically mapped and defined. The Haddat Ash Sham Formation with its three members, namely the Kheslef, the El-Hegre, and the Borma members have, therefore, been introduced. An unexpected extension of the Maestrichtian to Paleocene Usfan Formation with apparent conformity overlies the Haddat Ash Sham Formation. This crucial occurrence together with the fact that the Haddat Ash Sham Formation rests with marked unconformity on the Pre-Cambrian basement complex point out that its age might be Cretaceous or even older. The local structural features exhibited by these clastics have also been briefly discussed.