Author(s): Naim S. Ismail and Jamal Awad
Article publication date: 1984-09-01
Vol. 2 No. 2 (yearly), pp. 185-196.


Carbon, calcium carbonate, Jordan


The organic carbon and calcium carbonate content of sediments at the two sewage outfalls that release effluent into the northeastern tip of the Gulf of Aqaba have been determined and compared twice during 1982 and 1983 with control stations away from sewage pollution. The amounts of organic carbon in sediments at the outfalls and control stations are similar in their particle-size distributions and calcium carbonate content except the outfall near the phosphate loading port which has less calcium carbonate than its control station. Two additional stations, one on each side of the outfall, were examined. The sediments of these stations constantly have had higher values of organic carbon than the control stations, but lower than that at the outfalls