Author(s): Yazid Cherfa, Assia Cherfas, and Assia Jaillard
Article publication date: 2009-09-01
Vol. 27 No. 3 (yearly), pp. 103-113.


Magnetic resonance image, anisotropic filtering, brain segmentation, stroke, characterization.


In this paper, we present a semi-automatic method for extracting stroke lesions from 2D MRI brain images using edge and region cooperation. Cooperative segmentation is applied after an appropriate image pre-processing using an improvement of the image quality and skull stripping. This segmentation is evaluated thereafter by a comparison to a reference image. To extract and characterize lesions, we apply our method to several MRI images from different subjects who experienced cerebral vascular attacks (strokes). We compare our results with those obtained through manual measurements conducted by neurologists. We apply the results to reconstruct and visualise 3D strokes in the brain.