Author(s): Abido M.S., Abahussain A.A. and Abdel Munsif H.
Article publication date: 2011-06-01
Vol. 29 No. 1/2 (yearly), pp. 100-111.


Mangrove, Plant coverage, diversity index, species evenness, Bahrain, Tubli Bay.


A Vegetation survey aimed at the estimation of species and community parameters was conducted for Mangrove assembly along the coasts of Tubli Bay of Bahrain. Satellite imagery (IKONOS) coupled with ground truthing were used to calculate the areas of the Mangrove. Results showed that Mangrove coverage and density at Sanad site were 70% and 1245 tree/ha., respectively. An ecotonic plant community lies aside composed of Mangrove and flood-tolerant species mostly, Halopeplis perfoliata, Halocnemum strobilaceum, Suaeda maritime. Relative coverage of Mangrove within this community was 55%, whereas coverage and density of Arthrocnemum macrostachym were 35% and 8.22 plant/m2, respectively. A plant community composed principally of Arthrocnemum macrostachym and Halocnemum strobilaceum with 72% and 23% coverage respectively is situated behind. Other species such as, Juncus sp., Aeluropus littoralis, Portulaca sp., Suaeda vermiculata, Suaeda sp., Tamarix sp., Sesuvium verrucosum and Phragmites australis with an average coverage of 56% occupy high intertidal areas. The Shannon- Wiener diversity index and Pielou’s evenness index for the assembly at the site scored 2.44 and 0.95, respectively. The average coverage and density of Mangrove at Sitra Site (1) were 63.3% and 1300 per ha., consecutively. Average coverage and density of Arthrocnemum salicornicum reached 55% and 6.75 plants/m2. Other species such as Suaeda maritime, Arthrocnemum salicornicum, Phragmites australis, Juncus sp., Aeluropus littoralis were observed in high intertidal areas. Diversity and evenness indices for the plant community were 1.96 and 0.85, respectively. Mangrove coverage and density at Sitra site (2) were 45% and 959 plant/ha. Coverage and density of Arthrocnemum salicornicum were 23% and 4.12 plants/m2, respectively. Other species such as Arthrocnemum salicornicum, Aeluropus littoralis, Suaeda maritime, Suaeda vermiculata, Suaeda sp., Hammada sp. were present at higher ground. Diversity and evenness indices for the plant community were 1.96 and 0.85, respectively. Similarity index for the sites ranged from 43-87%. The area of Mangrove community in 2010 totaled 55.46 ha, of which Mangrove occupies 31 ha alone. Another 18 ha. were occupied by Mangrove and other species, compared with 52.56 in 2005 where mangrove formed 30 ha alone and shared an area of 15.5 ha. with other species. It is suggested for any management plan for Mangrove community to take into consideration the basic ecology of Mangrove within this integrated ecosystem as well as preventing further reclamation activities in the Bay.