Author(s): Abdul Quaiyum Ansari
Article publication date: 2009-06-01
Vol. 27 No. 1/2 (yearly), pp. 26-32.


Tolerance Level, Recursive Boundary Splitting, Piecewise Polynomial Interpolation, Solid Color Image/ Picture, Free Hanging End Points, Intersection Point.


This paper presents an approach to image compression for solid color pictures using segmentation and solid color image. An approch is presented that targets the solid color regions in the image as the source of redundancy and attempts to minimize this redundancy. The approch works by identifying regions in the image having pixels with similar color characteristics with respect to the specified tolerance level. To identify the solid color regions in the image, breadth-first traversal algorithm is used. The abbreviated form of these regions with necessary information is stored in the encoded image using recursive boundary splitting and the image is decoded using polynomial interpolation. In order to measure the quality of the image we have incorporated stretch factor. The results procured have been very satisfying and encouraging as it clearly has a sizeable lead over other conventionally used compression techniques.