Author(s): Mohamed E. Habib
Article publication date: 1987-04-01
Vol. 5 No. 1 (yearly), pp. 59-73.


geology, desert, Egypt


Landsat-1 images. computer -enhanced displays and field criteria have shown that the post kinematic granites and related hydrothermal mineralization in the Pan-African basement of the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt were controlled by well-defined lineaments trending NNE-to-NE, NW, WNW, N and ENE-to-E. These lineaments proved to be surface expressions of major fractures. The NNE -to -NE and NW lineaments are particularly significant: they have guided the emplacement of large volumes of granitic magma and are metallotects for hydrothermal mineralization containing as Au. U. Cu. and W. Field evidence prove that the tectonism responsible for these lineaments was recurrent and alternated with the magmatic activity and hydrothermal mineralization. Preliminary investigations along the lineaments detected show indications of mineralization particularly in the vicinities of intersections.