Author(s): Ghalib M.A. El-Asa'ad
Article publication date: 1987-08-01
Vol. 5 No. 2 (yearly), pp. 205-224.


fossils, Saudi Arabia, limestone


Seven trace fossils from three Mesozoic formations in Central Saudi Arabia and their associated palaeoenvironments are described. These trace fossils are: Rhizocorallium, recognized from burrowed micrite and shelly biomicrite of the Upper Marrat Formation (Upper Toarcian) at Khashm Qaradan. The micrite and shelly biomicrite were deposited in an intertidal to subtidal environment. Thalassinoides sp. 1, recognized from supratidal, heavily dolomitized micrites of the Lower Marrat Formation (Lower Toarcian) at Khashm Al-Dhibi and from an intertidal, heavily burrowed algal biomicrite of the lowermost part of the Aruma Formation (Coniacian) at Khashm AI-Khanasir and Khashm Al-Buwaibiyat. Chondrites, Thalassinoides ornatus Kennedy, Thalassinoides saxonicus Geintz and Thalassinoides sp. 2 were recognized from arenaceous limestone lithofacies (biopelsparite, biorudmicrite, biosparimicrite) of the Middle part of the Hanifa Formation (Oxfordian) in the Ma'ashbah area. The arenaceous limestone lithofacies were deposited on the inner shelf of a shallow, high energy, marine basin above wave base. The trace fossil Laevicyclus was recognized from fossiliferous, dolomitic biomicrite of the Middle Aruma Formation (Maestrichtian) at Khashm Hajajah. These fossiliferous, dolomitic biomicrites were deposited in a shallow, littoral, warm marine environment.