Author(s): Dr. Abdul-Haleem A. Al-Muhyi
Article publication date: 2005-03-01
Vol. 23 No. 1 (yearly), pp. 42-50.


Sirte Gulf, Libya, Land and Sea breezes, Numerical model, Mixed Layer Models, Simulate


: A numerical model is developed in order to simulate land and sea breeze phenomenon in the Gulf of Sirte, which is located on the Libyan coastline A Mixed-Layer Model is used to simulate land and sea breezes and their effect on the coastal strip The model consists of three layers, the surface layer, the mixed layer and the stable layer The primitive equations are averaged in the mixed layer to yield prediction equations for the horizontal components of the wind, two components of the horizontal pressure gradient, potential temperature of the mixed layer, the height of the base of the overlying stable layer and the surface temperature. The results show that the model is successful in simulating land and sea breezes and making clear the difference between the influence of onshore and offshore winds on the coastal strip.