Author(s): M.S. Abido and M.S. Kurbaisa
Article publication date: 2003-03-01
Vol. 21 No. 1 (yearly), pp. 64-70.


Juniperus excelsa, Species composition, Assal Al Ward, Syria, Anti Lebanon


Current status of Syrian Juniper forests in Assal Al-Ward ranges of the Anti-Lebanon Mountains was assessed. Autecology and synecology of Juniperus were characterized. Species parameters were assessed in 42 sites of various exposures and altitudes using the distance method and line transect techniques. Results obtained showed significant differences in Juniper density among sites of different exposures. Data suggested that the lowest level of species distribution was 1880 m altitude. Average Juniper density, importance value and coverage were 28.76 trees/ha, 32.5% and 10.8% respectively. Juniperus excelsa M.-Bieb.(Cupressaceae) dominated the community, whereas associated species consisted of deciduous elements most important: Amygdalus orientalis Mill. (Rosaceae), A. korschynskii (Hand-Mazzetti) Bornm. (Rosaceae), Crataegus azarolus L.(Rosaceae). Prunus sp. (Rosaceae), Pyrus syriaca Boiss. (Rosaceae), Cotoneaster nummularia Fisch. et Mey.(Rosaceae), Acer hermoneum Bornm. et Schwer. (Aceraceae), Berberis cretica L. (Berberidaceae), and Rhamnus palaestina Boiss. (Rhamnaceae). Less important species include among others: Astragalus sp (Fabaceae). Artemisia sp.(Compositae), Salvia sp. (Labiatae) and Acantholimon sp.(Plumbaginaceae). Signs of environmental stress were apparent on Juniper trees and reflected mostly in declining the increment of annual growth rings which, averaged 3.73 mm. Juniper trees attained a height of 6.5m and averaged 80 cm in diameter. Age of trees was estimated at 225 years. Juniper communities have been neglected, misused, over felled, overgrazed and deliberately set on fire. This reduced the extent of the Juniper ecosystem and demoted its ecological value. It is suggested that a management plan be put in effect to insure the ecosystem sustainability and Juniper trees conservation.