Author(s): R Metwali
Article publication date: 2002-03-01
Vol. 20 No. 1 (yearly), pp. 50-54.


Yemen, Taiz, groundwater, pollution. Total coliform (TC) and Faecal coliform (FC)


Fifty one water samples were collected from production wells used for human Consumption from Taiz city and its surroundings, Yemen Republic. The water quality was investigated with respect to bacteriological and physico-chemical parameters. The achieved results revealed that most water samples, especially from private wells, contain a high number of total coliforms (TC) which exceed the permissible limit recommended by the World Health Organisation, WHO (1996). Also, faecal coliforms (FC) were recorded in the majority of polluted samples. A quantitative estimation was done for each of temperature (18-26°C), pH (6.12-8.79), total hardness (58-2200 mg/L), electrical conductivity (218- 4600M. Mohs), total dissolved solids (117-3700 mg/L). nitrate (10-187 mg/L) and type of aquifer (rocky and alluvium). It is worthy to notice that from the total of fifty-one wells, there was pollution in (65%) of them. Recommendations were suggested for the treatment of the water of such polluted wells and rigid government control in a trial to prevent human and animal illness.