Author(s): M. A. Hassan, H. W. Palm, M. A. Mahmoud and F. A. Jama
Article publication date: 2002-06-01
Vol. 20 No. 2 (yearly), pp. 74-86.


Arabian Gulf, commercial fish, musculature, parasites, Callitetrarhynchus speciosus, Daswhynchus thomasi, Pinineriella musculicola, Poecilancistrum caryophyllum, Trypanorhyncha


The present communication summarizes information on the occurrence of trypanorhynch cestodes in the flesh of marine fish that were imported to Saudi Arabia from different countries along the Arabian Gulf The fish were collected from the wholesale market of Qatef, Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. A total of 867 fish specimens belonging to 42 species and 27 families were examined between June 1998 and March 2000. Six fish species harboured trypanorhynch cestodes in the muscles, Johinus maculanus (48.2% prevalence of infestation), Psettodes erumei (31.8%), Epinephelus chlorostigma (15.2 %), Epinephelus tauvina (14.8%), Cephalopholis hemistiktos (87%), and Lethrinus nebulosus (3.5 %). The following 4 trypanorhyncha species were identified: Callitetrarhynchus speciosus, Daswhynchus thomasi, Pintneriella musculicola, and Poecilancistrum caryophyllum. The most abundant parasite species was Pintneriella musculicola, which was found in 3 different host fish species. Daswhynchus thoması and Poecilancistrum caryophyllum occurred in a single host fish species only. Psettodes erumei had the highest intensity (maximal 45 plerocercoids per fish) of infestation. Daswhynchus thomasi, Pinineriella muscudicola and Poecilancistrum caryophyllum represent first locality records for these trypanorhyncha in the studied area, which is now known to harbour 18 different trypanorhyncha species. It was observed that the infestation rate increased with fish length, since larger fish either might have a greater opportunity of getting infected or simply accumulate the worms. Histopathological alterations induced by these parasites in the fish flesh were also detected, demonstrating a negative impact of the parasites on the infested fish.