Author(s): M. Matou, A. Shareet, M. Mstari
Article publication date: 2002-12-01
Vol. 20 No. 4 (yearly), pp. 255-263.


Tetraclinis articulata, density, average width of ring, variance


The objective of this study aims possibilities of development of the drills of Thuja of berbery of a forest solid mass of the area of Tlemcen and Tiaret (in the West of Algeria). We contributed to this work by study of some basic properties of the wood of Thuja of berbery Tetraclinis articulata (density, radial withdrawal, tangential withdrawal, resin rate, average width of cerne) highlighted of action of the factors of the medium on its properties. The results obtained note that, the wood of Thuja has a raised density, it is qualified like a heavy wood, has raised enough withdrawals, the resin east rate is depended conditions edapho-ecological where develops. From these results, we have concluded that this gasoline can be used in the sector of industry or even title that the other gasolines