Author(s): D.M. Al-Eisawi
Article publication date: 2001-04-01
Vol. 19 No. 1 (yearly), pp. 1-6.


Bahrain, Flora, Families, Genera,New plant species


Based on a recent plant collection from Bahrain, two families, five genera and fourteen species are newly recorded to the previous checklist of the flora of Bahrain. The families are Fumariaceae and Nyctaginaceae, while the new genera are Comunicarpus, Cynanchum, Fumaria, Halodule and Halophia. The new species are Amaranthus hybridus (Amaranthaceae), Cynanchum (Asclepiadaceae), Capparis leucophylla (Capparaceae). Salsola drummondii and Salsola Jordanicola (Chenopodiaceae), Calendula tripterocarpa (Compositae). Halodule uninervis (Cymodoceaceae) Euphorbia hirta and Euphorbia indica (Euphorbiaceae), Fumaria parviflora (Fumariaceae) Halophila ovalis and Halophila stipulacea (Hydrocharitaceae), Comunicarpus plumbagineus (Nyctaginaceae) and Datura innoxia (Solanaceae). Localities, dates of collection, collectors, number of specimens and the place of deposition are given. A map of distribution for the new taxa is given.