Author(s): N. Al-Khalifah, A. Al-Swailem and D. Alani
Article publication date: 2000-08-01
Vol. 18 No. 2 (yearly), pp. 73-80.


Biotechnology, Saudi Arabia, science


With the advancement of science in different fields, the applications of biotechnology have increased, based on its use. Saudi Arabia, as one of the developing countries is using some biotechnological applications in agriculture, medicine, environment and petrochemicals. In Saudi Arabia, biotechnology has been used both in research and commercial applications. This paper illustrates the efforts made for research in biotechnology, such as in tissue culture, DNA studies in plants and desulfurization of oil. It also shows some of the industrial applications of biotechnology that are suitable for Saudi Arabia and the Gulf area. It also shows the efforts being made to transfer the basic knowledge of biotechnology and the techniques that have commercial returns.