Author(s): V. Guberac, J. Martincic, S. Maric, D. Banaj, A. Opacak and D. Horvat
Article publication date: 2000-12-01
Vol. 18 No. 3 (yearly), pp. 151-156.


vigour, viability, seed, hermetic storage, cultivar, soybean (Glycine max L.), fodder peas (Pisum arvense L.), sprouting energy, germinability, quality, Croatia


In the laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek (CROATIA), statistically highly significant correlations were found between storage longevity (five research years 1993- 1997) and seed germinability of soybean and fodder pea seeds. Seeds of the above mentioned species were stored in hermetic glass containers at air temperature of 20 °C and relative humidity 65%. Moisture level in stored seeds were 9%. The study showed that sprounting energy of soybean and fodder pea seeds was in negative correlation with storage longevity. Sprouting energy achieved the greatest values before seed storage (soybeans 90.50% and fodder peas 94.00%). After 5 years hermetic storage, sprouting energy achieved the smallest values (soybeans 13.25% and fodder peas 74.25%). The differences in sprouting energy found between the years were statistically highly significant (P<0.01). Similar results were achieved by studying of seed germinability; the largest values of seed germinability were of the seeds before storage (95.75%). After 5 years hermetic storage, seed germinability achieved the smallest values (soybeans 15.50% and fodder peas 80.75%). The differences in seed germinability found between years were statistically highly significant (P<0.01). According to the obtained results, seeds of fodder peas had greater values of sprouting energy and germinability than soybean seeds. The differences found between the species were statistically highly significant for sprouting energy (P<0.01) and significant for germinability (P<0.05).