Author(s): Hamed A. El-Nakhal
Article publication date: 1998-04-01
Vol. 16 No. 1 (yearly), pp. 29-43.


sedimentary rocks, sandstones, Yemen


The Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in Yemen consist of marine and nonmarine sediments. They are included within the Mudizer Medj-Zir) Member, Shihr Formation and Hadhramaut and Tihamah Groups Mudjzer (Paleocene) is the upper member of the Tawilah Formation (Cretaceous-Paleocene), and it consists of alternative sequences of marine and nonmarine sandstones. Hadhramaut Group (Paleocene-Middle Eocene) consists of carbonates and evaporites, and includes the Umm er Radhuma, Jeza, Rus, and Habshiya Formations. The Shihr Formation Oligocene-Miocene) consists of clastics and carbonates The Tihamah Group (Miocene-Holocene) includes the Abbas, Bad, and Kamaran Formations. The Abbas Formation consists of continental clastics of Miocene-Holocene age. The Bad Formation (Middle-Late Miocene) consists of evaporites and it is divided into the Qurayyah Salt Member and the overlying Harafa Gypsum Member. The Kamaran Formation consists of Quaternary reefal limestone. The Tihamah Group and all of its subdivisions (excluding the Bad Formation) are introduced here as new units,