Author(s): Walid Saleh, Taysier Hujair and Alaa El-Sadek
Article publication date: 2013-09-01
Vol. 31 No. 2/3 (yearly), pp. 99-113.


Wadi Gaza; Sustainability; Wadis; hydrology; Biodiversity; Environment


Because of the importance of the Wadi Gaza as a unique ecosystem in Gaza Governorates, it was declared a nature reserve in June 2000. Wadi Gaza Nature Reserve was established to conserve the wetland ecosystem, to stop or slow the degradation of its natural resources and biological diversity and to promote measures for their eventual rehabilitation. Wadi Gaza represents a unique habitat supporting a rich biodiversity. The Wadi is under threat from many environmental pressures, in particular from sewage generated by recent urban growth within the catchments area, and the use of the Wadi basin as a solid waste dumping site. These polluting sources are not only deteriorating the natural habitat, but also they have an increasing negative impact on the public health of the communities around Wadi Gaza. This study outlines an agenda for investigating the sources of pollution of Wadi Gaza, effects of pollution on Gaza’s ecology and on the health of its inhabitants. Also, to establish an integrated approach for river reclamation management, including technical, administrative and legislative mechanisms for improvement of existing conditions and for ensuring the sustainability of clean Wadi. A capacity building component through training and educational activities are also proposed to proactively address issues of public health/awareness, as well as the protection and sustainability of the Wadi Gaza environment. All the Wadi sources of pollution and their impacts are illustrated in details, these illustrations will be helpful tools to set the suitable solution to each source of pollution and this will give a better understanding of how to solve Wadi Gaza problems. This will lead to the right steps that should be taken in order to improve the environmental situation in Wadi Gaza area.