Author(s): Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf, Memona Ramzan, Karamat Mahmood and Abdul Wajid
Article publication date: 2013-09-01
Vol. 31 No. 2/3 (yearly), pp. 114-124.


Cenchrus, Minerals; Nitrogen; Protein; Carbohydrates; Phytochemicals.


The present study evaluates the nutritive value of different accessions of perennial range grass Cenchrus ciliaris collected from Choilsitan Desert, Pakistan. Different standard methods (Benedict’s quantitative reagent for carbohydrates, crude protein and nitrogen by Kjehldahl method, mineral analysis by flame photometer and estimation of crude fiber by using acid base treatment) are utilised for nutritive analysis. Proximate analysis of plant sample determines that maximum crude protein is present in the range of (13 to 17.5%) and nitrogen contents are in the range of (2.8 to 2.24%). Crude fiber in the range of (24.34 to 39.48%) and crude lipids in the range of (2.3 to 3.2%) are present in the Cenchrus ciliaris. Whereas minerals such as sodium is present in the range between (0.2 to 0.7%), potassium in the range of (3.6 to 6.0%) while lithium was absent. Similarly, reducing sugar present in the range from (2.8 to 4%), non reducing sugar in the range of (2.12 to 3.31%) and total sugars are present in the range of (3.16 to 9.8%). In conclusion, it could be suggested that Cenchrus ciliaris has great medicinal and nutritional importance that could be good sources of some important nutrients for humans and can become a source of poverty alleviation of poor local community of the area.