Author(s): Unab G. Bokhari and Rida Abuzuhira
Article publication date: 1992-12-01
Vol. 10 No. 3 (yearly), pp. 93-104.


date palm trees, infestation, insects


Redpalm Weevil , Rhynchophorus ferrugineus is an insect which has caused infestation of date palm trees in the eastern region of the Kingdom. The insects bore into the tree trunk and feed on the soft tissues resulting in die-back of leaves. Symptoms become visible when brownish fluid begin to ooze out of the tree trunk and by that time it is too late to save the trees. This study was undertaken to evaluate some of the physiological parameters as indices of infested trees at an early stage of attack by the insect. Results indicate that in infested trees the rate of transpiration was higher while the diffusive resistance was lower as compared to healthy trees. Similarly, the water potential in infested trees was lower than the healthy trees. Rate of transpiration or diffusive resistance or water potential either alone or in combination could be used as indices of infested trees.