Author(s): M.A.Zahran, M.l. Soliman, M.S. Serag
Article publication date: 1994-08-01
Vol. 12 No. 2 (yearly), pp. 301-319.


habitats, Egypt, Anatomy


.Juncus subulatus is a salt tolerant rush growing in the coastal and inland salt affected wetlands of Egypt. Its dense growth usually occurs in the wetlands associated with the northern deltaic lakes of Egypt. The floristic composition and vegetative yield of Juncus subulatus community were studied in eight sites of the deltaic Mediterranean coastal bell of Egypt The associate species are mainly halophytes and helophytes. The means of moisture content, fresh weight and dry weight of June is subulatus culms were 70% 351 gm/m2 and 102 gm/m2 respectively. The anatomical studies show that these culms contain highly developed chlorenchyma issues and the sclerenchyma are absent except in the vascular bundles. Sclereides and calcium oxalate were not detected. This may explain that J. subulatus, unlike Juncus rigidus and Juncus acutus is not a fibre producing rush but it may be proposed as a fodder halophyte for domestic animals.