Author(s): D.A. Al-Sammerrai and F.M. Sammerrai and Z.S. Salih
Article publication date: 1988-04-01
Vol. 6 No. 1 (yearly), pp. 65-75.


antioxidant, mineral oil, aromatic extracts


Two aromatic extracts separated from light (grade 40) and heavy (grade 60) petroleum oil distillates by a selective solvent (furfural) were subjected to nitration followed by catalytic reduction to their corresponding amine derivatives. Only the polyaromatic constituents of the extracts underwent these reactions. The effectiveness of various concentrations of the products obtained in inhibiting oxidation of a mineral oil sample under oxidizing conditions was studied statistically by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and dynamically by a catalytic oxidation test procedure. The results obtained from these two methods of evaluation, indicated that, the petroleum derived from aromatic amine compounds imparted good antioxidant protection to the mineral oil