Author(s): H.M. Hassan and M.M. Al-Farraj
Article publication date: 1989-08-01
Vol. 7 No. 2 (yearly), pp. 125-144.


Acacia seed, seed description, Saudi Arabia


The genus Acacia constitutes an important component of Thorn Woodlands in Saudi Arabia. Some comments on its distribution are made; the seeds are described for 14 species and two subspecies, and a key is developed for their discrimination. The study has covered twelve Acacia species and two subspecies distributed in Saudi Arabia. As far as the general distribution, the study has reveled the need for detailed investigations on the biological aspects of this genus and its geographical and ecological distribution. The study mentions some good examples of such approaches and concludes that such analysis will be more fruitful if carried out within small areas. The study has concentrated on the description of the seeds for the various species and the two subspecies of Acacia. Important differences have been disclosed and can be observed by use of simple magnifying glasses. About twelve characters have been recorded, viz., seed-size, areole features, presence or absence of a white spot near the funicle, or its scar, base, surface texture, etc. The importance of this can be seen in the fact that seeds could be collected from under their mother trees while the trees are not in flower. The study has provided a simple key based on seed characters for species and subspecies determination of Acacia occurring in Saudi Arabia. This confirms the taxonomic and descriptive value of Acacia seeds.