Author(s): S.M. Al-Zahrani
Article publication date: 2002-06-01
Vol. 20 No. 2 (yearly), pp. 115-122.


Urine, Female Camels, Fungus, Aspergillus niger Consentrations, Conidial spores


In this research, the effect of different samples of female camel's urine (virgin and fertilized ) in the growth and formation of spores of Aspergillus niger fungus was carried out. The samples were collected from Abha and Al-Taif and were used with different concentrations. The results proved that all urine samples of the different concentrations had an effect on the formation of conidial spores, as they prevented their formation in the first few days. With old cultures, the fungus began with the formation of multiple spores. It was noticed that there was a change of the colour of spores from the original characteristic black of these spores of this fungus to a deep brown colour. The fungus used was more sensitive to urine of fertilized camels both the samples that were taken from Al-Taif or Abha. There was also a decrease in fungal growth with increased sample concentrations, following the experiment that lasted six days, as the concentration of 6% of fertilized camel's urine from Al-Taif inhibited the growth, while the concentration of 9% was inhibited the growth of the remainder of samples. In addition the concentration of 12% was cidal (fatal) to the fungus and its spores in all samples. No growth of any type of fungus was noted during all the preservation periods of the urine samples, which normally last between 14-18 months outside the refrigerator under normal circumstances. It was also noticed that there was no sign of turbidity of urine samples that normally indicates growth of bacteria and yeasts (contamination), only a change of camel's urine colour from yellow to deep brown colour.